Mixed media video sculpture, 2017
Office-scape focuses on a fictitious journey within a corporate environment. The labors in this environment intentionally and continuously amplify and disrupt the way we behave, speak, and think. The office activities dictate the confidence and doubt of the digital economy, resisting and supporting simultaneously.
_12” Diameter Clear Half Sphere
_48” Diameter Clear Half Sphere
_Aduino, Ultra Sonic Sensor
_ipad /iPad mini
_9”x12” White paint drop cloth (2EA),
_White Protective Chemical
Hazmat Coverall Suit (1EA)
_Canon EOS7
_iPhone 6
The agency's office-scape transforms into an artist’s studio, bringing together the real and the unreal, distorting and manipulating perceptions of space and time, and initiating a dialogue between corporate efficiency and unstructured curiosity. This endless binary between the construction and deconstruction of psychological adaptation is likely to change without warning or to shift position in unexpected ways. This process simultaneously facilitates opportunities to make original and unexpected relationships to the corporate environment within a habitat that depends on reliability.